I could write a whole book on why living with your bleed is important. Nay, absolutely CRUCIAL. For too long, women have left their cycle hidden from the eyes of society. Shame, vilification and disgust are the usual reactions to a woman expressing she’s ‘got her period.’ I’ve been met with a crinkle of the nose, a nervous laugh, a sidestepping of conversation, from older generations, men, women, and peers. It wasn’t endemic to a demographic.
Yet thankfully, wonderfully, I’m seeing this change. We no longer see an extraterrestrial blue liquid in pad commercials, different types of ‘sanitary’* products are becoming more available and accessible (like reusable pads and menstrual cups and undies!), and more research is emerging on women’s health and women in general.
I’m finding that open, loving, empathetic discussion is growing between women and their communities regarding their bleeding. There are more resources to understanding our cycles, the hormonal fluctuations and their physiological effects. We’re learning how our emotions, energy, appetite, balance, creativity and relating capacity can be swayed. A revolution of sorts!
*(why is it sanitary to use products with your bleed? Doesn’t this denote that bleeding is inherently UNsanitary? Hmm)
However, I don’t feel this accepting attitude has yet spread wide enough. Especially so in the communities orientated on hustle culture, high productivity and performance. In these spaces, it isn’t common knowledge to understand and coordinate lives with menstrual cycles, and certainly not in the general public that’s peppered with non-menstruating folk. Our Western society and its structures are built on patriarchy and capitalism, two systems that quite oppose the nature of a bleeding body. We’re expected to give the same (if not constantly, linearly improving) output, and be of the same temperament, energy and focus each day. We rest on the weekend and plan our downtime around work. Work is the central axis on which everything surrounds itself.
I’m not here to completely deconstruct society and invalidate those who truly thrive in these systems, whether you bleed or not. What I am here to do, is give you some insight and musings on how we can better support those who menstruate, no matter the lifestyle or profession they wish to pursue. This is relevant for those who barely feel a difference in their body across their cycle and for those living with pain, pathologies, conditions and symptoms relating to their bleed.
The Physiological Changes typical of Each Phase of the Menstrual Cycle:
If you’re unaware of the science regarding the menstrual cycle and its effect on physiology, I highly, highly recommend interacting with Stacy Sims's work. Stacy is an exercise physiologist and nutrition scientist who’s devoted herself to supporting active females in training with their cycle. Even if you don’t have a movement practice, or train, her body of work is still of great value!
These two articles, particularly, from Stacy’s website are informative and succinct reads!
I’ve collated some of the body of work from studies to give you a brief and general overview of the physiological effects of the menstrual cycle. Every woman is unique, and experiences can differ depending on a host of factors. As always, I endeavour to outline the research rather than give advice!
Early Follicular/Menstruation. Week 1:
Our bodies are in a low hormone state during our bleed and early follicular phase, priming us to better absorb stress and adapt well to loading. We are also primed to better access carbohydrates here. Sleep efficacy is typically greater, and recovery is better too! However, not everyone feels these changes, as the shedding of the lining of the uterus can be painful, pro-inflammatory, and a time to slow down, rest, and allow the blood to flow. We can feel more sensitive and introspective while bleeding. Iron stores drop as our blood flows out. Every woman is different in how they experience their bleed– for example, Day 1-3 I am in my dark cave and do nothing but yin yoga and cuddle in bed! By around Day 4, I start to feel the effects of better recovery, better resilience in my body and feel more energised.
Mid Follicular and Ovulation. Week 2:
Our hormones start to rise as we approach ovulation, particularly estrogen, which helps us build muscle and store resources better. Our long-term memory capacity and verbal adeptness improves, and our ability to be out in the world, planning and creative is heightened. Core temperature is at its lowest here, which can help with deep, restorative sleep. Pain tolerance is higher, too. As always though, not all women experience this rise in energy and output– some women feel amazing around this time, yet others feel flat!
Early Luteal. Week 3:
A few days post-ovulation, our body’s capacity to tolerate stress decreases, our immune system becomes pro-inflammatory, and sympathetic drive increases. The higher esotrogen and progesterone levels act to lower our ability to access carbohydrate stores in our liver and muscle. Sleep is affected as the hormone cocktail increases wakeful episodes. Eventually, leading up to Week 4, estrogen and pogesterone lower…
Mid-Late Luteal. Week 4:
Finally, estrogen and progesterone drop in late luteal phase, decreasing recovery, stress-tolerance, and shifting the body into a breakdown (catabolic) state. Women can experience fluid shifts (bloating), cramping and mood changes. Reaction time, exercise metabolism, coordination and emotional regulation are impacted. Feel-good hormones also start to drop, and sugar-cravings can come in. A wild time!
As you can gather from this summary, those who bleed and live in cycle experience a rhythm of variation. We live in flow.
So, why is it of benefit for us to move in flow?
Our cycle can be seen as an ergogenic aid: Firstly,“women can perform their best at every point in the menstrual cycle, because performance is different from training” (Stacy Sims). However, altering training and movement around our cycle can affect how our bodies react to stress and the hormonal changes of our cycle. The way I take this, is that we can use our cycles to adjust training to get the most out of our performance (if performance is what you’re after!), or to just feel our best.
“The real magic happens when you periodize your training with your cycle to take advantage of when your body is primed to adapt to stress…” (Stacy Sims).
Better hormonal health and regulation of symptoms: In line with above, it’s no surprise that it’s going to be easier on the stress load of the body to exert more force and effort when we are in follicular and ovulatory phases of our cycle– rather than compounding the physiological effects of luteal and menstruation, such as higher inflammation, lowered recovery, decreased ability to regulate temperature, blood plasma volume decrease (bloating!), and being in a catabolic state. This doesn’t mean no movement at all! It entails working with our bodies to ensure we don’t drain ourselves of precious resources needed to bleed and live.
We are women, not men: Our hormonal profiles are different to that of a man. The equilibrium of our set of hormones commands our sex, bone structure, balance, ability to build muscle and strength, sexual function, and so much more. However, we still share the same cardiovascular, nervous, musculoskeletal and digestive systems as our male counterparts– yet they are affected by hormones in varying ways. Our outputs (such as movement practices!) need to be in an appropriate balance with our inputs (such as rest and nutrition). The hormonal balance, and potentially the regularity of menstrual bleeds and ovulation itself, could be impeded if input and output are misproportioned.
Increase conversation and normalisation: moving and living by our bleed is another step forward in letting women be women. If more bleeding bodies lived in harmony with their cycle, we can normalise rest, recovery, cycles of training, and the seasonality of life (rather than focusing on the monotonous, robotic, hustle-orientated culture that still seems to be relevant today– especially in the ‘fitness’ world!).
My Movement Practice Through the Phases:
This is purely anecdotal and unique to me and my body– I’m a 23 year old menstruating woman, not on hormonal birth control (which affects physiology significantly) and deal with severe pelvic pain in late luteal/menstruation. This doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of other practices, responsibilities, nutrition changes and lifestyle shifts I undergo to better manage and thrive in my cycle!
꩜ Week 1: As I mentioned above, during menstruation I rest, mobilise, and restore. Around Day 3 I find my energy rises, and I focus on strength-based training. Heavier lifts, fewer repetitions, and more max-out efforts. It’s a fun time! Taking advantage of my better recovery, I opt for the occasional run and lean into power/vinyasa flows to challenge my physical yoga practice.
꩜ Week 2: Looks a lot like Week 1! I can push a bit further with my movement patterns and build up to the peak of my output here.
꩜ Week 3: This is when I begin to decrease the weight and increase the repetitions, focusing on tempo and technique rather than exertion. I shift my attention to longer walks and lean into more gentle yoga flows. I find this to be a great time to focus on my handstands and other bodyweight exercises!
꩜ Week 4: This is when I really wind down. I turn my sights to yin yoga, slow walks and bodyweight movements, lifting light weights and moving through active mobility. I love this time of the cycle just as much as any other, and if sleep is going to be sacrificed for training, then it’s just not worth it for me!
It may seem like a lot to think about… but it’s not. On the outside, my movement practice looks relatively similar week to week, but the shifts I embody leave immense ripples on the inside. It took some time for me to figure out what works for me, but that’s the joy of it. I’m not a statistic you can standardise in programs and research. I’m a woman.
I hope that this piece has reshaped, even slightly, how you see the life and physiology of a menstruating body. I’m constantly in awe of the complexity of the female body, and love living life dynamically. My movement practice doesn’t tax me anymore– it supports me in the way it should. I still get stronger (if that’s what I am aiming for), and I still progress in the skills I train. My yoga practice remains present even through the waves of change.
And so I prompt you a moment of self-reflection…
What changes do you feel in each phase of your cycle?
How can you connect to your body, and support yourself through these fluctuations?
Do you feel comfortable embodying these practices in different circumstances?
Who do you need to voice your experience to, in order to receive more support?
If you’re seeking further study, I can vouch for these resources to help build a deeper knowledge base for what happens in the menstrual cycle. I personally utilise such resources in conjunction with introspection, self-inquiry and intuition. I know what my body needs, but welcome different practices that may better support me– especially with pain or discomfort!
Podcasts: Check out my podcast playlist for all things periods
Indigo Luna: Cycle Syncing Journal
Vera Wellness: Blog Page
I’d love nothing more than to connect with you, dearest reader, to see how this landed for you. My inbox is always open!
With love,
Abigail x